So Much Fun!

One of the things I love most about custom homes is seeing all the different styles and tastes of our clients. I really enjoy going with them to help make selections and see what their personal style looks like. This new home we just finished in Eads is a perfect example of that.

Look at all of these fun printed tiles in the bathrooms!

Upchurch Builders Custom Home, Eads, TN Guest bath Upchurch Builders Custom Home, Eads, TN Primary tub

Upchurch Builders Custom Home, Eads, TN Hall bath

Each one is different, and they’re all so much fun! I think they add a little something extra to this home.

Can we also talk about these built-ins?! They’re just beautiful!

Upchurch Builders Custom Home, Eads, TN Builtins Upchurch Builders Custom Home, Eads, TN cedar beams

And this is a cabinet feature, but this hidden pantry is AMAZING!!

Upchurch Builders Custom Home, Eads, TN Hidden pantry closed Upchurch Builders Custom Home, Eads, TN Hidden pantry

Now I have saved the best for last. Could you image relaxing on this gorgeous screened in back porch overlooking your land?!


Upchurch Builders Custom Homes Screened In Porch

No matter what your dream home may look like, we can build it! Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

Why is it SO expensive to build right now?!?!

We get this question often. Why is it SO expensive to build right now?! Material prices are sky high, and we feel your pain!! Rewind to March of 2020, and you’ll get your answer. The framework was being laid for these astronomical prices when the country (and whole world, for that matter!) shut down because of covid. I know, we are beyond OVER that word too! Anything labelled “nonessential” shut down, thus putting a halt on manufacturing as well as delaying shipping times. Construction, however, was labelled as essential, so we never slowed down! In fact, we were busier than we had ever been, which was a huge blessing, but also a huge challenge! We were navigating unprecedented times in the building industry, and things were challenging, to say the least. During this rise in demand, nothing was being manufactured, which in turn forced suppliers to take from their stockpiled inventory. We all learned about supply and demand in school. Well, the demand went way up on a supply that was not given time to recover from the manufacturing disruptions caused by covid. Hence, WAY higher prices. We are continually getting emails and notices from our suppliers about price increases. This is just one of them:

FBM p1

FBM p2

FBM p3

SO, what does this mean for you? If you have to build right now, just keep in mind that you won’t get as much for your money. If you don’t have to build now, then DON’T!! Sounds weird for a builder to suggest not building, right? Well, we think of our clients’ money just as we would our own. We want you to get the best home you possibly can within your budget. Prices will come down eventually, but no one can predict when that will be. Until then, we’re all on this roller coaster ride together!

Ice Damming- What In The World Is That?!?!

Ice damming- It’s not a term many people know about who live in the south, simply because it’s not a problem we usually have. We usually only get snow once or twice a year, and its most often not enough to get kids out of school or to shut businesses down. So when we have weather like we are right now with 5-6 days straight with below freezing temperatures and 5″ of snow in one day with more predicted for a few more days, it’s something we at Upchurch Builders like to start talking about. We warn all of our clients about it. So here it is!

An ice dam is a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of a roof and prevents melting snow (water) from draining off the roof. The water that backs up behind the dam can leak into a home and cause damage to walls, ceilings, insulation and other areas. (Taken from

Here is an illustration of an ice dam I found at

So what can you do about this? Get up on your roof and break away all the snow and ice from the edges of your roof! It might not sound like your idea of fun (especially when it’s freezing cold out), but it can save you a lot of trouble and money!


It’s been quite some time since our last post, and a lot has happened! From new homes started, to the loss of our beloved father/father-in-law, to the craziness of Covid-19, life has been a whirlwind lately. While we’ve all been trying to adjust to this new way of life in quarantine, the construction industry hasn’t slowed down a bit. Thankfully, our job kind of lends itself to social distancing already, and we’ve still been able to safely continue building houses. We currently have 7 homes we are working on, and Lee still has a list of new plans to bid for prospective clients! What a blessing!

Speaking of blessings, we FINALLY got a break in the weather just long enough to pour a slab we have been waiting a few months on! This one is on 25 beautiful acres right here in Arlington only a few minutes from our personal house! We are so excited to get this one going. I mean, just look at this view!

Upchurch Builders Custom Home Arlington, TN      Upchurch Builders Custom Home Arlington, TN

Upchurch Builders Custom Home Arlington, TN

And just for fun, here are our crazy kiddos. It’s such a shame they don’t have much of a personality.

Another Happy Homeowner

We just finished another beautiful new home! This one was a presale, so it was our floor plan, but the clients got to pick all their own finishes! We love to see how each of our clients put their own little touches on our homes that reflect their individual personalities! Front doors that “pop” have been popular with our clients lately!
This client was so happy with their new home that they left a very kind 5 star Google review! Here it is:

Upchurch Builders Somerville, TN    Upchurch Builders Somerville, TN Walk-in Tub    Upchurch Builders Somerville, TN Master Shower

Upchurch Builders Somerville, TN Master Bath    Upchurch Builders Somerville, TN Living Room    Upchurch Builders Somerville, TN Kitchen

Upchurch Builders Somerville, TN Kitchen Island    Upchurch Builders Somerville, TN Guest Bath    Upchurch Builders Somerville, TN Dining Room

Merry Christmas!

We just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! We have been very busy but will have A LOT of updates coming your way in the next few months! We sold 270 Hedge Rose Blvd, will close on a presale next month, poured a slab for our NEW Upchurch zero lot line floor plan yesterday, are currently signing a new contract for yet another presale in the Hedge Rose Subdivision, and will be starting two new custom homes in Arlington in the next month!! We hope everyone has a blessed holiday season!

Our White House!

This is our beautiful new spec home in Somerville, TN! This house was presold before it was completed, so the homeowner got to pick some of her own finishes! This was one of my (Mandy) favorite spec homes we’ve ever built because I fell in love with the colors! Normally we tend to stick with more neutral colors for a spec home because it appeals to more people. However, I absolutely love the white brick with the dark gray paint. I even continued that white and gray theme into the house! Check it out!

Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Master Bedroom
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Master Bath
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Master Bath Vanity
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Loft Bedroom
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Living Room
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Kitchen
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Guest Bath
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Dining Room
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Back of House
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Master Bedroom
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Master Bath
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Master Bath Vanity
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Loft Bedroom
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Living Room
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Kitchen
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Guest Bath
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Dining Room
Upchurch Builders Spec Home Somerville, TN Back of House
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OR, you also can see a video walk-through of this home with a lot more information on our Instagram page .

All Hands on Deck!

When we say we’re a family business, we mean it! As a husband and wife team, we are able to bring our kids to the job site with us. Sometimes they work hard right along side us, and sometimes they play in sand piles! Whenever possible, we try to involve them in the hands-on work we often do on our houses. Not only are we able to ensure that the work done on our homes is quality (because we do some of it ourselves), but we’re also able to teach our kids a good work ethic from a young age.
If you’re looking for a builder to build your custom home, make sure the person you hire is actually on the job and not a builder who checks on the house from the street while driving by in his/her air conditioned vehicle. Upchurch Builders is at each job as much possible in order to ensure the building process is going smoothly, and the house is being quality built. Drive by one of our job sites any given day, and you might even see us on a roof or doing concrete work!

Lee making sure roofing felt is secure

Grant smoothing out concrete

Liam filling up the buckets with water for the concrete

Hard worker

Team effort

Lee smoothing concrete

Pour Day!

It’s always important for the builder to be onsite, but it’s especially important on a concrete pour day! Check out this video on our You Tube channel for some helpful information on what to look for in your slab to ensure the structural integrity of your home!