We get this question often. Why is it SO expensive to build right now?! Material prices are sky high, and we feel your pain!! Rewind to March of 2020, and you’ll get your answer. The framework was being laid for these astronomical prices when the country (and whole world, for that matter!) shut down because of covid. I know, we are beyond OVER that word too! Anything labelled “nonessential” shut down, thus putting a halt on manufacturing as well as delaying shipping times. Construction, however, was labelled as essential, so we never slowed down! In fact, we were busier than we had ever been, which was a huge blessing, but also a huge challenge! We were navigating unprecedented times in the building industry, and things were challenging, to say the least. During this rise in demand, nothing was being manufactured, which in turn forced suppliers to take from their stockpiled inventory. We all learned about supply and demand in school. Well, the demand went way up on a supply that was not given time to recover from the manufacturing disruptions caused by covid. Hence, WAY higher prices. We are continually getting emails and notices from our suppliers about price increases. This is just one of them:
FBM p1
FBM p2
FBM p3
SO, what does this mean for you? If you have to build right now, just keep in mind that you won’t get as much for your money. If you don’t have to build now, then DON’T!! Sounds weird for a builder to suggest not building, right? Well, we think of our clients’ money just as we would our own. We want you to get the best home you possibly can within your budget. Prices will come down eventually, but no one can predict when that will be. Until then, we’re all on this roller coaster ride together!