Never a Dull Moment

Summer is upon us, and with that comes warm, dry weather. Finally! We were able to get a break in the rain this week and pour a concrete slab for one of our spec houses we are building in Somerville, TN. The day started out pretty uneventful. The weather was beautiful, and our concrete crew was there putting the final touches on the slab to get it ready to pour. The first concrete truck came and went without a hitch.

However, when our second truck came, things started getting a little more exciting. The driver wasn’t as experienced as some of the others and managed to get stuck in a spot that the first truck had already driven over without any problems. Our concrete crew jumped into action and started trying to get him out. (You can find a live video of that fiasco on our Facebook page!) First they used their bobcat to try and push, then they used their excavator to pull. Neither worked, so Lee got his truck and winch. Whenever we’ve had concrete trucks get stuck in the past, Lee has been able to pull them out with no problems. This day, however, was different. That didn’t work either, but Lee put on a pretty good smoke show with his tires! Finally, they hooked another concrete truck up to the stuck one with a heavy duty chain and were able to pull him out. He managed to get stuck again, but at least they knew how to get him out this time!

Did you happen to catch that Somerville police officer back there in the video?! Well, he dropped by to let us know that one of the concrete trucks had apparently spilled concrete on Highway 64. Technically, that’s not our fault, but we took a machine, shovels, and brooms and headed over there to clean it all up. The police officer was nice enough to block traffic for us so we didn’t get run over!

Don’t worry- we didn’t hold up traffic long! Haha! When all was said and done, all concrete trucks were gone, Highway 64 was clean, and we had a beautiful slab ready for framing! Come back soon to see progress on this house!

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